Monday, October 15, 2007

Hillary Clinton and gotcha photojournalism

Whatever one feels about her, I believe I have seen far more freakish photographs of Hillary Clinton than any other presidential hopeful in the media.

Perhaps it is opportunity. Maybe she makes more faces than other candidates. But it is easy to catch people in odd moments, if you want. And yet I don't see photos of Obama with his eyes closed, or John McCain making a face or Mitt Romney wolfing down a sandwich. Likewise, I am sure 2 seconds after this photo was taken, her face was relaxed. So the question is, are these forms of gotcha photography?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bernie, there could be a PhD thesis here! It would be fascinating if there were some underlying principles that determined what shots get selected, and which ones end up on the cutting room floor. How important are the personal characteristics of the subject vs. whether they are front-runners.

I also wonder where the selection is made. As you point out, are some subjects more 'useful', do photographers go looking for specific shots, how are editors involved, etc. Are these individual pictures (following the 'gotcha' theme), or selections taken from a continuous series, or even clips captured from video?